If you want to look up available classes, please login to the my.AState portal and click on "Banner9 Self Service Student." From the list of additional links, choose the first link - Registration and Planning. Then select 'Browse Classes' and you will be able to search for ASU course offerings here.
Students can register for courses inside the ASU my.AState portal. Students will need to click on the Self Service tab. Instructions on how to register along with an explanation of the registration pages in Self Service can be located in our Student my.AState Registration Guide. Students need to see their advisor every semester to be cleared for registration.
To avoid any trouble with registration, please check your account in Self Service so that you can take care of any holds before your assigned registration time. You can check your holds in Self Service by clicking on "Holds" on the top right of your student profile. An office and phone number should be displayed. If you find you have a hold, please call the number that is displayed so that you can find out the proper steps needed to take care of the hold.
Changes in class schedules may be made in Self Service (located inside the my.AState portal) without charge during the scheduled registration periods. Students will not be permitted to add new courses or change sections after the first week of classes of a semester or the first day of a five-week summer term.
After the registration period ends, individual courses may be dropped on-line in Self Service. All individual courses may be dropped on-line except the last course. If all classes are dropped, you must process a withdrawal from the University through Advisement Services. It is ultimately the student's responsibility to ensure their courses have been dropped.
The final date for dropping individual courses is viewable via the academic calendar. Academic Affairs will identify appropriate deadlines for other semesters (interims, summer, half sessions).
Students who attend one or more classes are not eligible for the WN grade.
Faculty are asked to assign a grade of WN (withdrawal for non attendance) to students who have never attended a single class during the first 11 class days of the Fall and Spring Semesters and first 5 class days of the Summer I and Summer II terms.
Although faculty are asked to assign WNs it is often difficult to track attendance during the first few days because of the University's flexible course add/drop policy.
WN can only be assigned for students who have never logged into Canvas for online classes. Students who have logged into Canvas at any time once the term has begun are NOT eligible for a WN even if they have not completed any assignments. These students must complete the normal drop or withdrawal process.
The WN grade removes all financial obligations associated with the course.
Students are responsible for dropping/withdrawing from all classes they are not attending. Student should not depend on the University to assign a grade of WN. Students should review their schedule of classes using Self Service to make sure their enrollment is accurate. They should check their midterm grades as soon as they are available to confirm their enrollment is still accurate. Students should check their transcript at the end of final grading each semester to be sure it accurately reflects their enrollment and grades. Failure to do so could result in unnecessary financial obligations and inappropriate grades (usually F's).
Students who find a mistake need to contact the Registrar's Office for proper procedures immediately upon discovery. It is the student's responsibility to make sure their transcript is an accurate reflection of the student's registration and participation in the course(s) at ASU.
To get reinstated to a class after being dropped for non-attendance. Not to be used if student accidentally drops a class online. A memo from the instructor on department letterhead must be submitted stating the student has been attending.