Burbank Unified School District urges parents/guardians/caregivers to make sure their students attend school regularly and on time to remain compliant with state and county laws. Families can help their students in the following ways:
Absences from school may be excused or unexcused. Absences are typically excused for the following reasons:
For a comprehensive list of excused absences, please see the Burbank Unified School District’s Annual Notification to Parents: https://www.burbankusd.org/Page/1332
For an excused absence, a parent/guardian/caregiver must notify the JBHS attendance desk within three (3) days if a student misses school due to absence.
Any absence for any reason other than those stated above will be marked unexcused and may result in your child being classified as truant or chronically absent. Truancy means a student is absent or tardy more than a 30 minute period three times during the school year. Chronic absenteeism is defined when a student is absent for 10% or more of the school year. We are dedicated to supporting students who may be truant or chronically absent, so please contact us if you need assistance.
We also want to remind you that vacations or visits to other states and countries during the school year are not excused. While we understand the educational benefit of travel, we encourage you to plan ahead and schedule travel during holidays or summer. Winter break begins after school on Friday, December 20, and students return to school on Monday, January 6. The Instructional Calendars can be found at www.burbankusd.org. Support your child's academic growth by ensuring he/she is in school every day and on time. If you have any questions, please call the Student Services at (818) 729-4467.
Stacy Cashman, Director
BUSD Student Services
Disciplinary Actions for Tardies
Tardy #
Teacher Warning – Document
Teacher Warning - Contact Parent – Document
Teacher Consequence - Contact Parent – Document
Referral to Student Services Office (SS/O) - LDET Assigned
Referral to SS/O - DET Assigned
Referral to SS/O - SWP Assigned
Referral to SS/O - Additional SWP Assigned - LDET
Referral to SS/O - Additional SWP Assigned - LDET
Parent/AP Conference with Attendance Contract
If a student arrives late to school, the student should bring a note from their parent/guardian/medical office to the attendance office BEFORE going to class. Students are excused for medical (doctor, orthodontic, chiropractic, dental, etc.), passport, court, DMV appointments, or if they are feeling sick in the morning. Tardiness due to car problems, personal business, and family emergencies are NOT excused.
Unless you have given us prior notification, you will be unable to pick up your child between the hours of:
12:31 P.M. - 12:56 P.M. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Students will be in their (AE) Academic Excellence class and we will not be able to retrieve them.
Frequently Asked Questions in the Attendance office
Q: What do I do when my student is absent?
A: There are 3 ways to report an absence:
#1: Call the attendance office at the numbers listed above.
#2: Email the attendance office at the addresses listed above.
#3: Use the JBHS app for reporting a FULL DAY absence only. (The JBHS app can be downloaded for free on all iOS and Android devices by simply searching John Burroughs High School wherever you download apps.)
*When reporting an absence, please provide the student's full name, student ID number, and the date of absence.
**To clear an absence, please submit the necessary documentation within three days.
Q: If I call the office to report an absence do I still need to send a note?
A: No. Q: How can I request homework when my son/daughter is absent?
A: You may request homework on the third (3) day of your student’s absence from the Counseling Office. (818) 729-6900 Ext. 61941 or Ext. 61942 Q: When do I need to send a doctor’s note?
A: If your child will need a PE excused, you will need a doctor’s note. Also, if your child has exceeded fourteen (14) days of absences due to illness for the school year you will need a doctor’s note for each additional day your student is out.
Q: If my child will be leaving school early, what do I need to do?
A: Please send a note with your student to the attendance office in the morning before school. Your student will exchange this note for an “off schedule" pass so they can wait for you at the front door of school. THIS CANNOT BE DONE OVER THE PHONE. The student must then return to the attendance office and time-stamp this "off schedule" pass if returning the same day, or they must time-stamp it and turn it in on the day they return to school. EMERGENCY CONTACTS ARE NOT USED FOR THIS PURPOSE. Q: What do I do if my child has a last minute appointment?
A: You must come into the front office with your picture ID. We will then send for your student to meet you in the office.