How to Write a Counteroffer Letter (With Examples)

Businesswoman reading a letter at office

Unhappy with the salary or benefits that were offered you for a new job? Consider making a counteroffer to your prospective employer.

In today's competitive job market, it's crucial to advocate for a compensation package that leaves you satisfied. Whether you're looking to boost your salary, improve benefits, or tailor the offer to your needs, understanding how to make a counteroffer can help you secure the job you want for the compensation package you deserve.

Often, the best way to make a counteroffer is through a formal letter, and thankfully, crafting a counteroffer letter is a simple process.

What Is a Counteroffer?

A counteroffer is a proposal made by a job applicant to an employer in response to an unsatisfactory job offer. Job applicants can submit a counteroffer to an employer in a few ways:

The last option presents a solid starting point for the discussion. A counteroffer letter is a written or emailed response by the applicant to the employer's original job offer. In a counteroffer letter, candidates typically express their continued interest in a position but state that they desire a change in the terms of the original offer.


A counteroffer letter may include the specifics of your proposal or simply ask for an opportunity to discuss compensation.

When to Write a Counteroffer Letter

Consider writing a counteroffer letter when you are not satisfied with the compensation package an employer first offers. For example, you may want to make a counteroffer if the salary offered is too low for your needs or experience, or if you think the benefits package lacks critical benefits, such as an adequate number of paid vacation days.

Companies will often entertain a counteroffer, though they may not accept all (or any) of the requests in the offer. For example, small businesses, which tend to have limited budgets, may reject your offer if they cannot exceed a particular salary range for your role. Furthermore, companies of any size can revoke counteroffers if they are offended by or dislike your request.

Because employees in all states (except Montana) are “employed at will”—that is, both the employer and employer have the right to terminate the job at any time—employers can legally withdraw a job offer at any time.


If you want to write a counteroffer letter but are unsure how the company will react, do some research. Look at sites like Glassdoor and LinkedIn to learn more about the company culture around compensation.

Benefits of Writing a Counter Offer Letter

Benefits of Writing a Counteroffer Letter

There are a few reasons why you may want to make a counteroffer through a letter rather than meeting or calling an employer, including:

How to Decide on a Counteroffer

Salary is an important factor to consider when deciding on a counteroffer—specifically, how much you need to comfortably meet your needs in the place where you live. But it's prudent to think about the whole compensation package as well. Consider other non-salary compensation changes that you can ask for, such as relocation costs, insurance, signing bonuses, vacation and sick days, and other benefits. You can also include office-specific benefits, such as your office space, hours, or telecommuting options.

Look into the typical salary for people in the job you want, both within the company and nationally, through an online salary calculator. Once you have a sense of your worth, you can make a more informed decision about your desired compensation package.

What to Include in a Counteroffer Letter

Make it easier for the employer to address and accept the desired changes to the original offer by stating them in clear terms in an easy-to-follow format:

Tips for Writing a Counteroffer Letter

These guidelines can help you effectively communicate your expectations to an employer:

Counteroffer Letter Examples

Use these counter offer letters as templates when you need to request changes to a job offer.

Letter Requesting a Meeting

This sample counteroffer letter requests a meeting to discuss the compensation package that was offered.

Letter Example

Subject Line: Lisa Wong – Job Offer

Dear Ms. Gonzalez,

Thank you for your offer of the position of Regional Manager of Product Development for the Witten Company. I am impressed with the depth of knowledge of your development team and believe my experience will help to maximize the profitability of the department.

I would like to meet with you regarding the salary and benefits you have offered before I make a final decision. I feel that with the skills, experience, and contacts in the industry that I would bring to Witten, further discussion of my compensation would be appropriate.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Phone: 203-555-1234

Letter Requesting Additional Compensation

Here's an example of a letter requesting additional compensation. The writer makes a counteroffer with claims to back up the request.

Letter Example

Subject Line: Suzanne Pavillion - Compensation

Dear Ms. Montagne,

Thank you very much for offering me the position of Senior Sales Associate at The Revelation Company. The opportunity looks very interesting, and I am sure that I would find the position rewarding.

I am hoping we can discuss the possibility of adding a 5% commission to my base salary, as my 15-year track record in sales and Rolodex of contacts will enable me to bring additional revenue to the company. Please let me know if we can discuss this before I decide to accept your offer.

Thank you for your consideration.

What to Do After You Submit a Counteroffer Letter

While you wait for the employer to respond to your proposal, consider any deal-breakers—the bare minimum terms you are willing to accept in a counteroffer. Is there a certain salary or set of benefits that you are unwilling to negotiate on? Think about how you will respond if the counteroffer falls below these terms.

Be prepared for any response from the employer. He or she can respond in one of the following ways:

If the employer rejects your proposal or provides another counteroffer, decide whether to take the latest offer, put in a new counteroffer, or walk away. If you accept the counteroffer, get the new offer in writing so there is no confusion when you start the job.

Key Takeaways

  1. Counteroffer letters allow you to clearly articulate the changes you'd like to make to an original job offer, such as salary adjustments, additional benefits, or different job responsibilities.
  2. Successful counteroffers often require thorough research and persuasive arguments, so investigate relevant market rates and emphasize your skills to justify the requests.
  3. After submitting a counteroffer, be prepared for various responses from the employer, including rejection, another counteroffer, or a request to meet in person.