Part-Time Employment Contract Template

Part-Time Employment Agreement Template

A Part-Time Employment Contract is a legal document that lists the responsibilities, expectations, and rights of the employer and employee entering the work agreement. Unlike a full-time employee who typically works at least 35 hours per week, a part-time employee agrees to work fewer hours. A part-time employee agreement outlines these terms of employment and legally binds the employer and employee to those terms.

Making part-time employment terms clear helps employees know what to expect going into the position. A physical contract also allows each party to review the details before signing the document.

Sample Part-Time Employment Contract

Below, you can download our part-time employment contract template in PDF or Word format:

Part-Time Employment Agreement Template

When to Use

It depends on how you classify your workers. In general, a part-time employee is someone who works less than 35 hours per week.

What to Include

When creating an employment contract for part-time employee hires, there are essential details to include:

How to Write

Writing a part-time employee contract requires several steps. You can use our part-time employment contract template or draft your own by doing the following:

Step 1 – Add Employee and Job Position Details

Your part-time employment agreement should include essential details of the job and the new hire. List the full name of the employee and your company. Also, include the date of the agreement, the job title, and the job duties. Lastly, specify that the employee is part-time and their hourly requirements.

Step 2 – Define the Employment Term

Next, you must choose whether the new hire is a “fixed-term” or “at-will” employee. Fixed term means there is an end date to the employment. If there is no specific end date, choose at will to show that employment is ongoing, and either party can terminate the contract at any time.

Step 3 – Specify Compensation

Include the details of payment for your part-time employee:

Step 4 – Share Work Location Details

The contract should include the details of where the employee will be working. For example, your in-house employees perform their duties at company headquarters. You should also define requirements for remote employees who work from home.

Step 5 – Explain Time Off and Benefits

Many part-time employees do not receive the same benefits as full-time employees. You’ll want to clarify that to new part-time hires and provide details on any benefits they qualify for.

Step 6 – Add Confidentiality Clause

If your business deals with sensitive information that you want to protect, consider adding a confidentiality clause to your contract.

Part-Time Employment Agreement Template

Create your Part-Time Employment Contract today!