Survey Sampling Methods

Sampling method refers to the way that observations are selected from a population to be in the sample for a sample survey.

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Population Parameter vs. Sample Statistic

The reason for conducting a sample survey is to estimate the value of some attribute of a population.

Consider this example. A public opinion pollster wants to know the percentage of voters that favor a flat-rate income tax. The actual percentage of all the voters is a population parameter. The estimate of that percentage, based on sample data, is a sample statistic.

The quality of a sample statistic (i.e., accuracy, precision, representativeness) is strongly affected by the way that sample observations are chosen; that is., by the sampling method.

Probability vs. Non-Probability Samples

As a group, sampling methods fall into one of two categories.

Non-probability sampling methods offer two potential advantages - convenience and cost. The main disadvantage is that non-probability sampling methods do not allow you to estimate the extent to which sample statistics are likely to differ from population parameters. Only probability sampling methods permit that kind of analysis.

Non-Probability Sampling Methods

Two of the main types of non-probability sampling methods are voluntary samples and convenience samples.

Probability Sampling Methods

Some common types of probability sampling methods are simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, multistage sampling, and systematic random sampling. The key benefit of probability sampling methods is that they guarantee that the sample chosen is representative of the population. This ensures that the statistical conclusions will be valid.