Useful instructions and evangelical consolations, for mourners under the loss of pious relatives and friends [electronic resource] : A sermon preached the Lord's-Day after the funeral of Mrs. Jerusha Conkling, late consort of Mr. Isaac Conkling; who departed this life, February 24, 1782, in the 33d year of her age. : To which is added, some memoirs of her life and death, and letters wrote by her. / By Samuel Buell, M.A. and Pastor of the Church of Christ at East Hampton, Long-Island. ; [Eight lines of Scripture texts]

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Reason for copyright status: Creator Date of Death is Before 1955

Copyright status was determined using the following information:

Material type: Literary Dramatic Musical Presumed date of death of creator (latest date): 1798 Published status: Published Publication date: 1782

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