Sample Letter of Intent to Purchase Land Templates

Before being able to purchase a land, you will need to write a letter of intent. A letter of intent is a document that conveys or declares a writer’s intention to buy a piece of property such as a real estate property or a land property. The letter must be written in a formal letter format as it is used in a business transaction. Through a letter of intent, the transaction between the two parties involved is officially declared. A letter of intent has many uses and one of them is to purchase land properties regardless of what they are. Here are some letter of intent samples that will help you find out what its uses are.

Purchase Land Intent Letter Samples

Letter of Intent to Purchase Land For a House

Letter of Intent to Purchase Land not For Sale

Letter of Intent to Purchase Land From Municipality

Letter of Intent to Purchase Vacant Land

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letter of intent to purchase land bundle

Letter of Intent to Purchase Land For a House

John Doe
123 Maple Street
Anytown, State, 12345
[email protected]
July 4, 2024

Jane Smith
456 Oak Avenue
Anytown, State, 12345

Subject: Letter of Intent to Purchase Land

I am writing to express my interest in purchasing the property located at 789 Birch Road, Anytown, State, identified by Tax Map Key #001-002-003. After careful consideration, I have decided that this land is ideally suited for my needs, where I plan to build a residential home.

Offer and Terms:

  1. Purchase Price: I am prepared to offer $150,000 for the property, subject to the following terms and contingencies.
  2. Due Diligence Period: I request a due diligence period of 30 days from the date of acceptance of this letter to conduct necessary surveys, environmental checks, and any other inspections.
  3. Financing: This offer is contingent upon obtaining financing suitable to my financial condition within 45 days of the date of acceptance of this letter.
  4. Closing Date: Assuming all contingencies are met satisfactorily, I propose that the closing occur within 60 days of the end of the due diligence period.

Additional Provisions:

This letter is intended as a preliminary indication of my intent to purchase the above-mentioned property. It is not legally binding upon either party and is subject to the execution of a definitive and mutually acceptable purchase agreement that will be negotiated and executed in due course.

Please indicate your agreement with these terms by signing and returning a copy of this letter, or feel free to contact me directly to discuss this further.

Thank you for considering my offer. I look forward to the possibility of proceeding with this transaction and am eager to finalize the arrangements at your earliest convenience.

John Doe
John Doe

letter of intent to purchase land for a house

Letter of Intent to Purchase Land not For Sale

Michael Johnson
789 Pine Lane
Springfield, State, 67890
[email protected]
July 4, 2024

Sarah Williams
321 Cedar Street
Springfield, State, 67890

Dear Ms. Williams,

Subject: Letter of Intent to Purchase Land

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in purchasing the property located at 654 Elm Street, Springfield, State, identified by Tax Map Key #004-005-006, which I understand is not currently listed for sale. After careful consideration, I have determined that this land would be ideally suited for my needs, where I plan to build a residential home.

Offer and Terms:

  1. Purchase Price: I am prepared to offer $200,000 for the property, subject to the following terms and contingencies.
  2. Due Diligence Period: I request a due diligence period of 45 days from the date of acceptance of this letter to conduct necessary surveys, environmental checks, and any other inspections.
  3. Financing: This offer is contingent upon obtaining financing suitable to my financial condition within 60 days of the date of acceptance of this letter.
  4. Closing Date: Assuming all contingencies are met satisfactorily, I propose that the closing occur within 75 days of the end of the due diligence period.

Additional Provisions:

I understand that your property is not currently on the market, and I respect your position as the owner. However, I hope you will consider my offer and the potential benefits of selling at this time. This letter is intended as a preliminary indication of my intent to purchase the above-mentioned property. It is not legally binding upon either party and is subject to the execution of a definitive and mutually acceptable purchase agreement that will be negotiated and executed in due course.

Please indicate your interest in discussing this further by contacting me directly at your earliest convenience. I would be happy to meet with you to discuss this offer and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you for considering my unsolicited offer. I look forward to the possibility of proceeding with this transaction and am eager to finalize the arrangements at your earliest convenience.

Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

letter of intent to purchase land not for sale

Letter of Intent to Purchase Land From Municipality

Emily Davis
456 Willow Road
Rivertown, State, 12345
[email protected]
July 4, 2024

City of Rivertown
Attn: City Manager’s Office
789 City Hall Plaza
Rivertown, State, 12345

Dear City Manager,

Subject: Letter of Intent to Purchase Municipal Land

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in purchasing the parcel of land owned by the City of Rivertown, located at 123 Oak Street, Rivertown, State, identified by Tax Map Key #010-011-012. After careful consideration, I have determined that this land would be ideally suited for my needs, where I plan to build a residential home that aligns with the community’s development goals.

Offer and Terms:

  1. Purchase Price: I am prepared to offer $300,000 for the property, subject to the following terms and contingencies.
  2. Due Diligence Period: I request a due diligence period of 60 days from the date of acceptance of this letter to conduct necessary surveys, environmental checks, and any other inspections required by municipal regulations.
  3. Financing: This offer is contingent upon obtaining financing suitable to my financial condition within 60 days of the date of acceptance of this letter.
  4. Closing Date: Assuming all contingencies are met satisfactorily, I propose that the closing occur within 90 days of the end of the due diligence period.

Additional Provisions:

I understand the importance of this land to the community and the need for a transparent and fair transaction process. I am committed to ensuring that my plans for the property align with the city’s development objectives and benefit the local community. This letter is intended as a preliminary indication of my intent to purchase the above-mentioned property. It is not legally binding upon either party and is subject to the execution of a definitive and mutually acceptable purchase agreement that will be negotiated and executed in due course.

Please indicate your interest in discussing this further by contacting me directly at your earliest convenience. I would be happy to meet with you or your representatives to discuss this offer and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you for considering my offer. I look forward to the possibility of proceeding with this transaction and am eager to finalize the arrangements at your earliest convenience.

Emily Davis
Emily Davis

letter of intent to purchase land from municipality

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Letter of Intent to Purchase Vacant Land

David Thompson
123 Maple Avenue
Lakeside, State, 45678
[email protected]
July 4, 2024

Lisa Roberts
789 Oak Lane
Lakeside, State, 45678

Dear Ms. Roberts,

Subject: Letter of Intent to Purchase Vacant Land

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in purchasing the vacant land you own located at 456 Birch Road, Lakeside, State, identified by Tax Map Key #015-016-017. After careful consideration, I have determined that this land would be ideally suited for my needs, where I plan to develop a residential home.

Offer and Terms:

  1. Purchase Price: I am prepared to offer $140,000 for the property, subject to the following terms and contingencies.
  2. Due Diligence Period: I request a due diligence period of 45 days from the date of acceptance of this letter to conduct necessary surveys, environmental checks, and any other inspections required.
  3. Financing: This offer is contingent upon obtaining financing suitable to my financial condition within 45 days of the date of acceptance of this letter.
  4. Closing Date: Assuming all contingencies are met satisfactorily, I propose that the closing occur within 60 days of the end of the due diligence period.

Additional Provisions:

This letter is intended as a preliminary indication of my intent to purchase the above-mentioned property. It is not legally binding upon either party and is subject to the execution of a definitive and mutually acceptable purchase agreement that will be negotiated and executed in due course.

Please indicate your interest in discussing this further by contacting me directly at your earliest convenience. I would be happy to meet with you to discuss this offer and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you for considering my offer. I look forward to the possibility of proceeding with this transaction and am eager to finalize the arrangements at your earliest convenience.

David Thompson
David Thompson