Submitting transcripts to Oswego? Reference information here.
Request official SUNY Oswego transcripts
An official academic transcript may be processed only if requested by the student. Transcripts include all coursework taken at SUNY Oswego, both undergraduate and graduate level. Students may request a transcript at any time using the online ordering service :
If you have a Form 2 that needs to be sent to New York State, please order an Offical transcript. You will add the form as an attachement at the end of your order. Please insure that page one of your Form 2 is completed and signed.
If you have an attachment that needs to be sent with your transcript(s), you will be able to attach the form while ordering your transcript(s). If SUNY Oswego needs to complete any fields on the attachment, we will be notified and will complete the necessary information, upload the attachment, and it will be sent along with your transcript(s).
Current students can order using Parchment via myOswego -->"Student Records" Tab.
We strongly encourage requesting electronic/PDF delivery as this is the fastest mode of delivery. Requests for mailed paper copies of transcripts and electronic copies of archived transcripts (records prior to 1990) are typically processed in 5-7 business days. However, please be aware that when sending a PDF transcript to yourself, it cannot be forwarded, this will be considered unofficial. Official transcripts should be sent to the intended recipient directly, this will ensure the document status is official.
NOTE: The existence of certain holds on a student record can prevent transcript orders from being processed. All such holds must be cleared before the release of an official transcript.
SUNY Oswego will not accept a transcript request by phone, fax or email. SUNY Oswego does not fax transcripts.
Cost and fees - The cost for each transcript using the Parchment system is $7 and must be paid by a major credit card. An additional fee may apply if selecting electronic delivery. Parchment uses web encryption technology, ensuring your information is secure.
Transcript requests must be successfully authorized and completed before they are ready for the delivery that was selected in the ordering process.
Going abroad and need an Apostille?