Bill raskob foundation loan application

In order to qualify, you must be an American citizen, enrolled at an accredited institution for the upcoming school year. At present, the Foundation is not accepting applications from foreign students, US students graduating from a foreign school, for first year study (undergraduate), Medical School (MD) or correspondence courses. You will also wish to know that it is not the policy of this Foundation to fund students through more than one degree … or accept applications for theses, dissertations, internships, residencies or affiliations. (If you are in a combined Degree Program, you might wish to call the Foundation at (410) 923-9123 to see if you qualify, prior to submitting an application).

Regarding repayment, the Foundation offers a 6-month “grace period” following graduation to all students, except medical\dental\veterinary students who may begin repayment within 12 months. The Foundation determines the repayment schedule and time frame … and since the Bill Raskob Foundation, Inc. basically operates as a revolving loan fund, deferments are not granted.

The Foundation strongly recommends that all applicants apply for government loans or grants. Since this is a small family Foundation with limited funds to distribute, a student’s efforts at locating funding from as many sources as possible are often considered by the Trustees as an indication of serious intent and responsibility. (Most BRF loans for a given academic year average $9,000)

The student must complete the form. Loans are made to the student applicant (not the parents, the school or outside agencies), so the ability to follow instructions is a factor taken into consideration. All additional information (see Checklist on Application Form) must be supplied before the Board will consider your application. If any requirements are not satisfied, the application may be automatically rejected. (Please make copy of applications for you records)

If you meet the above qualifications, and now wish to apply to the Bill Raskob Foundation, Inc., we will be happy to hear from you. Our Board of Trustees meets once a year to consider applications. Applications are accepted from January 1st through May 15th. You will be notified of the committee’s decision in July or August.

Edward H. Robinson
Executive Director

Instructions for Submitting Student Loan Application

The application MUST BE COMPLETELY FILLED IN by the student applying for the loan with all of the information requested. If a particular question is not applicable to you, indicate this, using such answers as “Not Applicable”, “No”, or “None”. Please make sure you complete all sections.

Financial Statements

There are three (3) separate Financial Statements included. Each is two (2) pages.
You only need to fill out and submit the one (1) Financial Statement that is relevant to you.

Recipients of a loan from the Bill Raskob Foundation, Inc. DO NOT automatically receive loans each year. Recipients must complete the application process when re-applying for a loan.

Recipients must notify the Foundation in cases of: change of graduation date; change of school; change in address or change of phone number.

You must request a specific dollar amount or your application will not be accepted. The Foundation reserves the right to award recipients a dollar amount different from that which was requested by the applicant.

Review all requirements and forms to make sure all the necessary information has been supplied, and return everything in one envelope prior to May 15th to:

Bill Raskob Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 507
Crownsville, MD

If you have any questions, call (410) 923-9123.


This insert is for your use only. It is only intended as a “check-off’ sheet to help you keep track of which parts of the application you have finished.